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Rasul Exotic Body Treatment for Two

Rasul Exotic Body Treatment for Two

Description: Okay, this might sound a little unusual, but bear with us - this experience is a real treat. The Rasul is a traditional Arabian cleansing ritual, which will leave you feeling pure and calm and your skin beautifully exfoliated. The experience takes place in an exotic private temple under the light of a thousand stars. You'll apply different coloured medicinal chakra muds to specific areas of your bodies while inhaling steam delicately infused with pure herbs, which is reputed to cleanse your respiratory system. The ritual ends with warm tropical rain pouring down from the dome of the Rasul temple to gently wash the muds away. Afterwards at venues which have a communal spa you are welcome to use the facilities. Otherwise you will receive an additional body cream or oil to rehydrate your purified bodies. Whether or not you're into chakras and chi energy, this is one fantastic way to relax.
Quantity:  1  
Item Price:  £ 97.00
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