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Fusion Flower, Saffron Bath Sheets

Fusion Flower, Saffron Bath Sheets

Description: from John Lewis
Quantity:  2  
Item Price:  £ 25.00
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Similar Items to Fusion Flower, Saffron Bath Sheets - The price of the fusion flower, saffron bath sheets is £25. Gifts & Lists has thousands of members adding gifts every day though. It's possible another member may have found this gift item or a similar gift at a better price. Here are some similar gifts to fusion flower, saffron bath sheets added by our members that you might be interested in.
Amazon is generally a good place to compare prices and often has the best value when you take into account postage and packing. If you would like to check if Fusion Flower, Saffron Bath Sheets is available and how much it would cost, use the search link below:
Search for Fusion Flower, Saffron Bath Sheets at Amazon Search

List Details

Things we would quite like but do not feel obliged......

We will keep adding ideas up until the wedding.

If there is something you would like to gift, unless it is specific to that particular store (in description) please feel free to buy the item or similar item from a store of your choice.

Alternatively if you have your own idea for a gift, we do like surprises.......

Thank you, see you all soon xxx

Please note- reservation email may go into your junk email......please refer to this otherwise item will not be removed from gift lift.

(Update: web links to Debenhams do not appear to work, Sorry)
Creation Date : 6 Dec 2015
Event Date : 25 Jun 2016

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